Business Travel Takes Off Remotely
In the wake of heavy lockdown restricts globally due to the spread of COVID-19, the airline and aviation industry still suffer from the hangover of travel restrictions as the corporate world has found unlikely alternatives to face-to-face meeting and conferencing. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a movement against flight travel by environmentalists and earth-conscious governments. This uproar has been the loudest in Europe, where business travel constitutes a significant portion in flight travel. With only 12% of the population [taking] 66% of the total annual flights, while in the UK, only 15% of the population takes 70% of the total flights. As for France, 50% of the flights were taken by only 2% of the population in 2008’ (ETX Daily up, 2021) . The elite business class regular flight users have also contributed the most in the upsurge of Carbon dioxide emissions in the past two to three decades. To the airline industry’s dismay, countries such as France b...